My Wonderful Mother, Teresa Webb Whatcott (Returned home Jan 8, 2005)
And us with my Daddy,Tim Whatcott (taken at our wedding, July 31, 2009)
My Whatcott Grandparents, at their own wedding!
Again, my Wonderful Grandparents on my dad's side: Garth Neilson Whatcott (Returned home March 2, 2009) and Doris Arnett Whatcott
My Wonderful Grandparents on my mom's side: Cherie Cluff and Velmor June Webb (picture from Deann Webb)
A great majority of the Webb clan at a Webb reunion/Thanksgiving/Grandma and Grandpa's 60th Anniversary Celebration held on November 29th, 2008 (picture from Deann Webb)
The current family picture (soon will be out of date with three expectant babies in the family) taken at Michael's and my wedding reception July 31, 2009, -Thanks to Andrea Lindgren
Remembering Mom on our wedding day July 31, 2009
Our Family Photo taken at Grandma and Grandpa Webb's house, probably around 1989-1990 (I am the youngest in this picture, two more brothers were yet to be born!)
Family photo of all the siblings, taken in our yellow home that burnt down later, taken probably sometime in 1999
Same time period as picture above, with all the girls of the family, including sisters in laws and grandchildren, there were only two little ones then....look how many there are now:
The two girls on the end are the two little babies in the previous picture. This was also taken at my reception July 31, 2009. -Thanks to Andrea Lindgren for all these pictures.
Michael and his wonderful Mother on graduation night from Blue Ridge High School- May 2006
Some of Michael's family on our wedding day, left to right, his sister, grandpa, Michael, me, his mother, and his father. -July 31, 2009